Navigating Talent Engagement,
in the Seamless Way

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About Us

Welcome to MyTalentAid, where talent meets innovation!

At mytalentaid, We believe in the transformative power of talent and its ability to drive innovation, spark collaboration, and elevate teams to new heights. Our mission is to empower Software Factories with a cutting-edge platform that simplifies staffing, fosters talent growth, and revolutionizes the feedback process.

Key Commitments:
  • Strategic Talent Partner: Navigate staffing needs with precision, identifying the right talents for projects and teams.
  • Revolutionizing Feedback: Feedback isn't just a process; it's a catalyst for individual and collective success. We provide a platform for seamlessly managing them.
  • Smooth and Rewarding Journeys: Every step in talent management should be smooth and rewarding, and mytalentaid ensures just that.
  • Future-Ready: We anticipate your needs with our commitment to continuous improvement, evolving the application, adding improvements/functionalities, and totally new modules.



Expect a prompt response within 48 hours for all your inquiries, issues, and feedback.


Manage clients, project, teams and employees while seamlessly accessing comprehensive, related information.


Expand your client base by leveraging the skills of your talented teams. Finding the right set of skills for clients' projects.


Use customizable feedback templates and automated processes, for promoting efficient communication and recognizing.


Facilitate a culture of recognition by sending praise and also serve as valuable internal recommendations.


Set and track goals and milestones, ensuring alignment with the organization and fostering continuous improvement.

Why choose us?

In the dynamic landscape of Software Factories, mytalentaid emerges as the cornerstone for organizational growth.

a man with a brilliant idea

We understand the challenges you face, and that's why we've created mytalentaid, a comprehensive solution designed to streamline staffing, amplify feedback, and unlock the full potential of your team.

Precision Staffing

Seamlessly manage employees, teams, projects, and clients with intuitive tools designed for Software Factories. Our precision staffing ensures optimal resource allocation and project success.

Innovative Feedback Hub

Feedback isn't just a process; it's a catalyst for individual and collective success. We offer customizable templates, automated feedback creation, and the unique ability to send praises inside of the feedback for outstanding performance.

Skills Mastery

Empower your workforce by setting and showcasing skills, experience, favorite technologies, and knowledge. mytalentaid places skills at the forefront, ensuring a match between the right talent and the right opportunity.


Unit Tests


Hours In The Project


Years Of Experience


Application Modules

Request a Demo

Unlock the full potential of our solution with a personalized demo. Our team will showcase tailored features and benefits to meet your needs, and you can explore at your own pace.

Staffing Excellence

  • Instant insights into employee's profile: At a glance, discover information about his assigned clients, team, skills, and more...
  • Get to know your employees' skills: They can enter skill proficiency, years of experience, and mark it as a favorite.
  • Manage employees, teams, projects, and clients: Consolidate and manage all information seamlessly in one central location.

Handle feedback your way

  • Diverse templates: A variety of templates are available for different types of feedback and employee roles.
  • Efficient bulk creation: Start the feedback process for the entire company with just a few clicks.
  • Manage all your feedback in one place: You can edit, publish, close and search any feedback easily.